Child Protection, ICMEC Publications, International Schools, Peer-Peer Abuse, Risk Assessment, Schools

Student Safety Survey Samples


Student safety surveys are used to identify child protection risks to be mitigated.  They should not be used if staff are not trained to respond to student disclosre, there is no child protection policy, or clear reporting pathway for students to disclose abuse.  A lack of action following a safety survey could exacerbate existing instances of abuse.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, International Schools, Risk Assessment, Safe Recruitment, Schools, Teachers, Training

Acquaintance Molestation and Youth-Serving Organizations


(Lanning and Dietz, 2014) Article dispels myths and addresses misconceptions about acquaintance molesters and enables youth-serving organizations to recognize barriers to identification and adoption of best practice in order to do the most the law allows rather than the least the law requires. Published online 23 May 2014 "Journal of Interpersonal Violence," 29, 2815-2838Read More

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