Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, ICMEC Publications, International Schools, Mandatory Reporters, Professional Development, Schools, Teachers, Training

Your Child Protection Training Plan


(ICMEC) Infographic outlines phases of comprehensive child protection planning for schools including abuse prevention education and the professional development needed by staff. Through ICMEC's Education Portal and Global Training Academy, educators are equipped to help prevent, identify and intervene in cases of child abuse, neglect and exploitation.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, International Schools, IT safeguarding curriculum, Mandatory Reporters, Policies and Procedures, Professional Development, Safe Recruitment, Schools, Teachers, Volunteers

AISA Child Protection Handbook


(Association of International Schools in Africa, AISA) Foundation resource for international schools developed with content experts. Contains modules on recruitment, policies and procedures, multi-disciplinary teams, abuse prevention curriculum, and self-audit tools. Guidance is applicable to all child-serving organizations, but also includes regional resources.Read More

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