Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, Peer-Peer Abuse, Policies and Procedures, Schools, Teachers

School Based Violence Prevention Handbook


WHO - This handbook addresses the key elements of violence or abuse prevention in schools. It provides guidance for school officials and education authorities on how schools can embed violence prevention within their routine activities and across the points of interaction schools provide with children, parents and other community members. If implemented, the handbook will contribute much to helping achieve the SDGs and other global health and development goals. Produced by the World Health Organization in collaboration with UNESCO and UNICEF.  Available in English, Spanish and French.Read More

Child Protection, ICMEC Publications, International Schools, Peer-Peer Abuse, Risk Assessment, Schools

Student Safety Survey Samples


Student safety surveys are used to identify child protection risks to be mitigated.  They should not be used if staff are not trained to respond to student disclosre, there is no child protection policy, or clear reporting pathway for students to disclose abuse.  A lack of action following a safety survey could exacerbate existing instances of abuse.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, International Schools, Case Study, IT safeguarding curriculum, Peer-Peer Abuse, Schools, Sexting

Sexting in Schools: Responding to incidents and safeguarding young people


(UKCCIS) Produced by the UK Counsel for Child Internet Safety, this cornerstone advice is for school heads and child protection designates or designated safeguarding leads on youth produced sexual imagery. Research found that 61% of secondary school head teachers reported this as a greater concern than smoking, drugs, obesity or offline bullying. This advice covers responding to disclosures, handling devices and imagery, assessing risk, reporting protocols, recording incidents, involving parents, supporting victims and victimizers, and preventative safeguarding and IT education. Resource lists, reporting forms, incident flow charts and staff training materials are included.Read More

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