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Reporting Mechanisms combined presentation_April 19 2023

April 20, 2023

One child missing, abused, or exploited is one too many. We advance child protection and safeguard vulnerable children by: ▪ powering the global search for children who are missing; ▪...


October 16, 2015 allow for parental controls; children may play its games with others online only if parents are present and have consented. America Online (hereinafter “AOL”) has shifted from an adversarial...


June 28, 2016

...Children and to the #WePROTECT Children Online global initiative. ICMEC Singapore also presented at the Making Online Advertising Click: Promoting Online Safety and Protecting Brand Integrity conference in Hong Kong...


July 8, 2016

...Violence Against Children and to the #WePROTECT Children Online global initiative. ICMEC Singapore also presented at the Making Online Advertising Click: Promoting Online Safety and Protecting Brand Integrity conference in...

The Abuse of ICTs for CST (ICMEC)

October 26, 2015

...4 Id. 5 Mark Latonero, Human Trafficking Online: The Role of Social Networking Sites and Online Classifieds, USC Annenberg, 12 (2011) manTrafficking_FINAL.pdf. 6 Erin I. Kunze, Sex Trafficking Via...


December 8, 2016

...has been met, working on the assumption that a single payment to access child pornography online is likely to be significantly less than $30,000. The application of the $30,000 threshold...

ITU – Online with Sango

July 26, 2020

Online with SANGO SANGO Online with SANGO This book aims to teach children about their rights and safety online. It contains six scenarios children often face in relation...

Technical Guidance FINAL

November 30, 2020

...sexual nature). Child sexual abuse becomes online child sexual abuse when it has occurred on social media or other online channels or has a direct link to the online environment....

UNODC global report on TIP 2022 published 2023

July 27, 2023

...for online service providers to maintain the core responsibility to prevent and stop traffi cking in persons. urther collaboration between governments, the technology industry and anti-traffi cking stakeholders is critical...

Halcyon Safeguarding-20170901

January 29, 2018

...medical and other needs § any other factors which may impact on the safety and welfare of the student. 12. Adults working with children: Safer Recruitment Halcyon practices safer recruitment...


October 16, 2015

...safer and more secure societies. Ensuring the rights of all people, all children, to a life of dignity, opportunity, and choice. Inspiring, empowering, and uniting those with the will to...

Safeguarding Framework and Audit DCI

September 6, 2017

...T (65) 6890 1000 4 k) The DCSG Safer Recruitment Guidance Flow Chart l) The DCSG Safeguarding Visitor Statement 1. Key roles in Safeguarding roles across the Dulwich College...

safer-virtual-school updated

March 18, 2020

...preferred. Guidelines to be observed during any digital or online contact with students. Situations to AVOID online: Casual or intimate atmosphere: Intimate locations, casual dress, nicknames, private conversations, observational comments...

safer-virtual-school updated

March 20, 2020 contact with students. * permission should be granted by participants according to local law Situations to AVOID online: Casual or intimate atmosphere: Intimate locations, casual dress, nicknames, private conversations,...

safer-virtual-school Updated

June 16, 2020

Principles of e-learning child protection: Make Virtual School Safer Follow school child protection policy and professional code of conduct. Contact should be observable and interruptable. Maintain appropriate boundaries – avoid...

Updated Induction training template

January 13, 2020

...outside the school. Edit as needed. Online cyber tip lines Additional reporting for online abuse or images: To report child sexual exploitation in any country report online to...

7th Edition – EN

October 12, 2015

...Janis Wolak et al., Child‐Pornography Possessors Arrested in Internet‐Related Crimes: Findings from the National Juvenile Online Victimization Study vii, n.1 (Nat’l Ctr. for Missing & Exploited Children ed., 2005) [hereinafter...

APAC-FCACP – Legal Framework and Obstacles in the Asia-Pacific Region

October 21, 2015

...commercial provision of Internet services (e.g. Internet service providers, credit card companies, banks and other online payment facilitators). The intention of the APAC Coalition is to fight commercial sexual exploitation...

AO Asia Pacific Report_ HK Section Updated July2015_new ICMEC cover_Final

June 10, 2016

... 59 Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap. 383): To access Hong Kong ordinances, visit the Department of Justice, Bilingual Laws Information System online: Hong Kong 34 International...

Local and online help form

March 11, 2019

Local and Online Help to Prevent and Respond to Abuse Local Reporting Hotline for Child Abuse and Maltreatment: ________________________ Cybertip Hotline (to report online abuse or materials):________________________ Addiction (substance abuse)...

Local and online community resources template

June 16, 2020

Local and Online Community Resources Local Reporting Hotline for Child Abuse and Neglect: ____________________________ Cybertip Hotline (to report online abuse or sexual images):________________________ Addiction (substance abuse) Website or contact number/information...

Local and online community resources template

June 16, 2020

Local and Online Community Resources Local Reporting Hotline for Child Abuse and Neglect: ____________________________ Cybertip Hotline (to report online abuse or sexual images):________________________ Addiction (substance abuse) Website or contact number/information...

Platform Brief Updated 9_17

September 17, 2021

...exploitation on these platforms. [52: Dr. Elena Martellozzo and Paula Bradbury, How the pandemic has made young people more vulnerable to risky online sexual trade, at (last visited on...

Take25 Ways to Make Kids Safer US

October 22, 2015

Take25 – 25 Ways to make kids safer

October 22, 2015

Safer and Griffey

November 20, 2015

Safer and Griffey

November 20, 2015

Safer and Griffey

November 20, 2015

Safer-internet-ru final

February 17, 2016

Safer Internet Infographic

February 17, 2016

Older Newer