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Latin America Coalition Against Child Sexual Abuse Online – FINAL

November 23, 2015 be safer online; and • Reducing the availability of CSAM online and the re-victimization of children. CLAC Members also shall commit to developing specific policy targets, activities and indicators...

Philippines Legal Review Position Paper_Final-signed_Oct2021 compressed

December 15, 2021

Philippines Legal Review Position Paper October 2021 Contents Letter from the CEOs 1 Preface 3 Executive Summary 4 Summary of Recommendations 5 The Current Reality of Online Child Sexual Abuse...

TP & ICMEC Downloadable PART 1

May 15, 2023

...TIKTOK NEWSROOM, Mar. 1, 2023, at eSafety Commissioner, Safety by Design, at Thorn, What is Online Grooming, at children/#:~:text=Online%20grooming%20is%20a%20term,to%20keep%20a%20child%20silent. MIT Technology Review Insights, References:,to%20keep%20a%20child%20silent

Comprehensive Child Safeguarding and Protection Handbook

October 27, 2023

...Addendum 1: Child Safeguarding and Protection for Online Learning Addendum 2: Child-on-Child Abuse Policy Addendum 3: Guidelines for Excursions, School Events, and Student Travel Addendum 4: Intimate Care Guidelines Addendum...

Best practices and key challenges for interagency cooperation to safeguard unaccompanied migrant children from going missing

November 1, 2017

...sample coun- tries responded to the online surveys. Most responses came from Belgium and Greece. 17 semi-structured interviews were carried out with participants from four countries, i.e. the UK, Belgium,...


May 14, 2018


April 10, 2023 “the hundreds of small comments, harassments, emotional and 25 Erooga, M. (2016) Creating Safer Organisations: Practical implications of research regarding child sexual abuse in youth serving settings, Pre-conference presentation...

SWGFL safer-remote-learning-flyer

March 18, 2020

COVID 19 Corona Virus Guidance There are a number of online options that schools may consider, ranging from merely setting homework or providing access to online resources through video tutorials...


June 22, 2017 activities that could be considered risk markers – indications that someone is likely to take risks online and fall victim to online sexual solicitation. Many of these markers are...

Childnet Teachers-and-technology-checklist

June 27, 2018 – Consider online risk – where necessary remember to include possible online risks when completing risk assessment forms. – Set rules for personal devices – pupils may bring personal...

Survivor_Insights_Role of Tech in DMST_Thorn 2018

July 23, 2020

...dropped to 61% and online advertising had increased to 75%. The most frequently reported platform for online advertising was Backpage. The next most popular sites included Craigslist, RedBook, SugarDaddy, and...

Cryptocurrency and the Trade of Online Child Sexual Abuse Material_03.17.21 publish

March 17, 2021

Cryptocurrency and the Trade of Online Child Sexual Abuse Material The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children and Standard Chartered | February 2021 2 CRYPTOCURRENCY AND THE TRADE OF...


September 7, 2017 thank you for your support and heartened by your response to ICMEC’s efforts to build a global community dedicated to making the world a safer place for children. Over...


September 8, 2017 thank you for your support and heartened by your response to ICMEC’s efforts to build a global community dedicated to making the world a safer place for children. Over...

Southbank UK Serious Case Review and Report

February 10, 2016

...began investigations with staff from Westminster Children’s Services and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). These investigations included checking images against photos of pupils at the school and...


March 17, 2017

...1970] and authorities didn’t pursue the matter. When the state registry was put online in 2004 his name wasn’t included because the authorities found that he was no longer living...

Research Report – Grooming and child sexual abuse in institutional contexts – Prevention

April 20, 2018

...2012, ‘Creating safer organisations – an overview’, in M Erooga (ed.), Creating safer organisations: practical steps to prevent the abuse of children by those working with them, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex....

CP Update 1_making virtual school safer

December 12, 2020

Child Protection Update 1: Making virtual school safer and appropriate terminology Dear leaders in child protection, These updates will include the latest child protection news, links to new resources on...

HT and Coronavirus Frontiers Public Health article Greenbaum Oct 2020

December 15, 2020

...closures many children turn to social media and other online activities to fill their time. For those who engage in risky online behaviors such as acting aggressively toward others, or...

APAC-FCACP – Considerations for Protecting Children

October 21, 2015

...Games (MMORPGs) Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs), are computer-based role-playing games (RPG), which take place in an online virtual world with hundreds or thousands of other players. In the...

APAC-FCACP-Engaging with Digital Businesses

October 28, 2015

...Games (MMORPGs) Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs), are computer-based role-playing games (RPG), which take place in an online virtual world with hundreds or thousands of other players. In the...

Key Principles of Effective Prevention Education CEOP UK

March 28, 2017

...can inform online safety education despite the lack of evidence on prevention education focused on online safety specifically. While numerous studies have been conducted into the effectiveness of various preventative...


June 22, 2017

2 So you got naked online… OK… so I guess if you have picked this up and started to read, it’s likely that you have done something online that you...

Common Sense Media sexting_handbook

April 11, 2018

...Increase and curate your positive online presence … If you feel as though your online presence is not what you want it to be at the moment, proactively create a...

ICMEC MRC Assessment Colombia_English

October 3, 2022

Multisectoral Response and Capacity Assessment (MRC) Colombia Joint and coordinated action for the prevention, investigation, and assistance to victims of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse MRC ASSESSMENT MULTISECTORAL RESPONSE...

APAC-FCACP – File Hosting and File Sharing Best Practices

October 21, 2015

...investigations into online content as part of the Online Content Co-regulatory Scheme10 in place under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992. The ACMA Hotline investigates complaints about potential illegal online content...


September 29, 2023

...strategies schools and families can employ to minimize online abuse. SAFER HIRING FOR SAFER STUDENTS 90 MINUTES Safer recruitment and hiring practices are invaluable tools in preventing abuse in our...


June 1, 2020

Remember The UK Safer Internet Centre Helpline will be available to respond to any online safety query: SWGfL is donating its anonymous reporting/messaging platform to all schools (Whisper) for...

A&O Asia Pacific Report (May 2017)

May 25, 2017

...scheme discussed above. Previously, this online censorship regime only applied to stored Internet content. However, in July 2007, the Australian Parliament enacted substantial amendments to its earlier regime such that...

Global Movement – Winter 2015

February 4, 2016

...He has presented at several trainings and international conferences at INTERPOL and Europol focusing on online investigations. “International cooperation among law enforcement is necessary to fight online child exploitation. I’m...

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