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November 7, 2016

ABUSO E EXPLORAÇÃO SEXUAL INFANTIL ONLINE Orientações para a adequação da legislação nacional na América Latina 2016 Uma publicação do Instituto Família Koons sobre Política e Direito Internacional ABUSO SEXUAL...

Estudo Legislativo ICMEC_UNICEF (PT)

September 17, 2020

ABUSO E EXPLORAÇÃO SEXUAL INFANTIL ONLINE Orientações para a adequação da legislação nacional na América Latina 2016 Uma publicação do Instituto Família Koons sobre Política e Direito Internacional ABUSO SEXUAL...

CIS Adapting_to_new_learning_environments

March 20, 2020

...respond to inappropriate, harmful and illegal content online. These policies can be helpful in:  keeping young people safe from online harm,  making sure that the institution’s online and...

ICMEC Report – Protecting children against sexual offences in ASEAN Member States_Feb 2023

February 1, 2023 the way of legislation expressly addressing the cyber nature of other offences that are committed against children online, such as planning or organising child sexual abuse online; online grooming...

February 2023, ICMEC Report – Protecting children against sexual offences in ASEAN Member States

February 2, 2023 the way of legislation expressly addressing the cyber nature of other offences that are committed against children online, such as planning or organising child sexual abuse online; online grooming...

peer-on-peer-abuse-toolkit-2019 Farrer

February 27, 2019

...not limited to, gender-based violence.2 Online peer-on-peer abuse is any form of peer-on-peer abuse with a digital element, for example, sexting, online abuse, coercion and exploitation, peer-on-peer grooming, threatening language...


August 9, 2017 They should never add people they don’t know in real life as friends online. Show empathy when interacting online. Be responsible and show respect. Don’t hurt others online. Respect...

GSWP COVID addendum April 2020 final-2

June 29, 2020

Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings Addendum April 2020 Acknowledgments: Adapted and updated by the Safer Recruitment Consortium from an...

OCP Toolkit 2017

March 24, 2017

...earlier reference on page 7. 38 “Alarming New Trend in Online Sexual Abuse.” Published by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. Available at https:// online child protection...

common sense media-teacherbackgrounders

October 31, 2017

...on your online behavior Why Teach It Help your students … identify strategies for creating and protecting strong passwords. spot and avoid online scams. understand the concept of online privacy,...

OCP Toolkit 2012

November 1, 2017

...Online Sexual Abuse.” Published by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. Available at https:// online child protection 26 Thankfully, these types of cases are comparatively unusual, but the...

Research Report – Risk profiles for institutional child sexual abuse – Causes

December 3, 2019

...Audage, 2007), and in the UK, the Allegations Management Advisors network published the detailed Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who work with Children and Young People (AMA, 2007)....

International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education Jan 2018

January 16, 2018 their questions about sexuality. Young people often use online media (including social media) because they are unable to quickly and conveniently access information elsewhere. However, online media doesn’t necessarily...

Framing Implementation_1-27-2017

February 20, 2017

...for Missing & Exploited Children). 6 Id. at 16. – 2 – between 2012 and 2014.7 INHOPE hotlines around the world received more than...

Framing Implementation_2017

February 20, 2017

...for Missing & Exploited Children). 6 Id. at 16. – 2 – between 2012 and 2014.7 INHOPE hotlines around the world received more than...

IPMAA -September 2024

September 18, 2024

...If not, why not? How can a safer culture be created for disclosing concerns? • How was the adult recruited? Can safer practices in the recruitment process be implemented? •...

EVAC Key Messages_Long

March 10, 2020

...ONLINE SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE STATISTICS More than 175,000 children go online for the first time every day63 Every half second, a child goes online for the first time64 800...


November 5, 2018 networking site for children and young people. Currently Charlotte works for the Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, where she is reviewing their programme for professionals and their online...

Child Pornography Model Law 8th Ed Final linked

February 23, 2016

... (last visited Nov. 30, 2015) (on file with the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children). -5- Mandatory Reporting Require healthcare and social services professionals,...

2017 Annual Report Final Digital

August 30, 2018

...safer online experience for all children. What is online grooming? In the context of sexual abuse and exploitation, grooming (or “sexual grooming”) is the act of befriending and influencing a...


April 8, 2019

...including training and educational materials on keeping safe online. They also have a tool for reporting online abuse. Sexting in Schools and colleges resource A guide to how to...


October 16, 2015

...recognition and major celebrity, music, and film power, MTV is uniquely poised to launch major anti-trafficking campaigns with a high degree of visibility and accessibility. Through various online and real-time...


June 8, 2017

...this training include: ▪ Investigating online ads ○ Methods used by offenders to exploit children using online ads ○ Online Profiles ○ Establishing the undercover identity ▪ Undercover investigations ○...


June 21, 2017

...this training include: ▪ Investigating online ads ○ Methods used by offenders to exploit children using online ads ○ Online Profiles ○ Establishing the undercover identity ▪ Undercover investigations ○...

Online Flirtation to Sexual Abuse Kocturk 2018

July 23, 2020

...a strong association between risky online behaviors and online victimization. A study by de Santisteban and Gamez-Guadix (21) determined that adolescents being exposed to online sexual abuse may exhibit different...

Southbank childprotection_policy_with_KCSIE_v4_december_2016

March 9, 2017

...grooming and/or online abuse A child may be experiencing abuse online if they:  spend lots, much more, or much less time online, texting, gaming or using social media; ...


October 16, 2015

...30 arrested in raid on online drug distribution ring, the jeruSalem poSt (May 8, 2013), National-News/30-arrested-in-raid-on-online-drug-distribution- ring-312441. 55 John Biggs, Silk Road Rises Again, teChCrunCh.Com (Nov. 6, 2013),

Trends in Online Crime (Feb. 2011)

October 25, 2015

...There are active coalitions in Europe and the Asia‐Pacific region. For more information, please visit: ‐2‐ Online Financial Crimes ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT SYSTEMS The online financial landscape has evolved dramatically...

Interim Spanish portal links final

December 18, 2019

... guides/online-sexual-coercion-and-extortion-crime12 Videos de seguridad de Kidsmartz 11 Ídem Nota 1. 12 Ídem Nota 1.


May 17, 2017

...Online Child Sexual Exploitation 28 Investigating Online Child Sexual Exploitation 29 Technology Tools to Combat Online Child Sexual Exploitation 30 Understanding Advanced Technology Tools: Section I 31 Understanding Advanced Technology...

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