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Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, Cybercrime

ITU Child Online Protection Guidelines 2020


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) developed its very first set of Child Online Protection (COP) Guidelines in 2009. Since then, the Internet has evolved beyond all recognition. While it has become an infinitely richer resource for children to play and learn, today’s children face many risks online.

The new updated ITU Guidelines on Child Online Protection are a comprehensive set of recommendations for all relevant stakeholders on how to contribute to the development of a safe and empowering online environment for children and young people. There are four sets of the 2020 Child Online Protection (COP) Guidelines targeting childrenparents and educators, industry, and policymakers.  
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A Night of Hope: Partnering to Protect Children

August 17, 2023

August 11, 2021

  Anuncio en español aquí The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children and ECPAT International team up to provide free, online learning to equip “Agents of Change” with the...

Child Protection, ICMEC Publications, International Schools, Peer-Peer Abuse, Risk Assessment, Schools

Student Safety Survey Samples


Student safety surveys are used to identify child protection risks to be mitigated.  They should not be used if staff are not trained to respond to student disclosre, there is no child protection policy, or clear reporting pathway for students to disclose abuse.  A lack of action following a safety survey could exacerbate existing instances of abuse.Read More


July 29, 2021

...response to the scourge of online child sexual exploitation. ICMEC CEO Bob Cunningham said this is an important step in defending children. “With an office in Sydney, ICMEC will be...

Child Protection, ICMEC Publications, International Schools, Parents

Resources in Simplified Chinese_zh-cn


We are currently developing resources in Chinese versions.  Please share applicable resources to More

El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras Sign Groundbreaking Tri-national Cooperation Agreement to Fight Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

June 29, 2021 around the world to develop research, technologies, and educational resources to aid in the search and recovery of children who are missing, fight online exploitation online, and empower caring...

Child Protection, ICMEC Publications, International Schools, Parents, Chinese, Corona Virus, Covid19, Online Safety, Schools, Teachers, Virtual School

Safer Virtual School


(ICMEC) Safeguarding challenges of online school can be overcome with risk mitigating codes of conduct and child protection policies and procedures.  Ensure staff are aware of their professional responsibilities to maintain appropriate boundaries with students.  Usual school principles of avoiding 1-on-1 contact with students and supervised, observable and interruptable contact with vulnerable students should be in place in online learning environments.Read More


October 4, 2022

At the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, we envision a world where children can grow up safe from exploitation, sexual abuse, or risk of going missing. Thank you...

Enabling Country-wide Protections for Children

October 3, 2022

...Through this methodical assessment, ICMEC is leading the way in helping countries create national protection plans to make those countries, and our world, safer for every child. See how the...

‘Historic moment’ as Argentina launches its first reporting portal to report images and videos of online child sexual abuse

June 22, 2021

...sexual abuse material for investigation and removal. This is a crucial step forward in the fight to create a safer internet and safer world for children everywhere,” says Bob Cunningham,...


June 22, 2021

...safer world and safer internet for children. As reports of online child exploitation continue to increase year-over-year, it is critical that every industry in every country is aware and equipped...

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Trafficking, ICMEC Publications

Improving Healthcare Services for Trafficked Persons: The Complete Toolkit


This toolkit is designed to assist medical and mental health professionals, health administrators, government officials, shelter staff, and other care providers in assessing and improving health care services available to trafficked children and adults, either on-site at their own organization, or at one or more local facilities (‘referral network’). The kit contains four sections: (1) an overview of human trafficking, (2) a service-assessment tool for determining strengths and challenges in a given facility’s medical and/or mental health care delivery, (3) guidelines for developing or improving medical and mental health services for trafficked persons, and (4) a template for organizing the names of key local and national partners and their contact information. This list will help ensure comprehensive care for trafficked persons.Read More

Implementing a Multisectoral Approach in Guatemala

October 3, 2022

...risks of online abuse and exploitation. ICMEC joined the 2023 Gira Vive where we reached more than 5,000 children in schools across Guatemala with important tips on how to engage...

May 25 is International Missing Children’s Day

May 19, 2021

Every day children go missing around the world. And every day, the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) fights to bring them home and create a safer world....

Child Protection, International Schools

ITFCP Child Protection Policy Planning Form


(ITFCP) - Form that incorporates the new accreditation standards for child protection into policy planning for educational institutions.Read More

Multisectoral Response and Capacity Assessments

October 3, 2022

...assistance to victims of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse >> English En español Ecuador View Ecuador’s MRC Assessment for the prevention, investigation and assistance to victims of Online Child...

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, Child Sexual Abuse Material (Child Pornography), Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications, Legislation

Child Sexual Abuse Material: Model Legislation & Global Review


This groundbreaking report, often referred to as ICMEC's Rule of Law project, analyzes child sexual abuse material (CSAM) legislation in 196 countries around the world, and offers a “menu” of concepts to be considered when drafting anti-CSAM legislation. First released in April 2006, the report is currently in its 9th edition. The latest edition's findings show that since inception 150 countries have refined or implemented new anti-CSAM legislation, 140 countries criminalize simple CSAM possession, 125 countries define CSAM, and only 32 countries require ISP reporting of suspected CSAM. For a brief overview of the 9th edition click here.Read More

2021 Gala for Child Protection to Be Held Virtually

April 26, 2021

...of the 2021 Gala for Child Protection, ICMEC will continue to bring missing children home and create a safer world for children everywhere.” Thank you to our Diamond Sponsors for...

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Trafficking, Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications, Legislation

Studies in Child Protection: Technology-Facilitated Child Sex Trafficking


(ICMEC) - The Internet has global reach, which fuels the need for international legal cooperation to develop more stringent, overt laws to protect children from technology-facilitated child sex trafficking. While vast research exists regarding child sex trafficking broadly, this paper specifically focuses on: how and why technology is increasingly used to recruit, advertise, and send/receive payments for child sex trafficking; examining available international and regional legal instruments; reviewing a sampling of relevant national legislation; presenting model legislative language for consideration; and discussing the role of the technology and financial industries to deter traffickers from misusing their platforms to sexually exploit children.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, Child Sexual Abuse Material (Child Pornography), Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications

Studies in Child Protection: Sexual Extortion and Nonconsensual Pornography


(ICMEC) The purpose of this paper is to define and analyze sexual extortion and nonconsensual pornography as they impact children, as well as to better understand obstacles to prevention, policy intervention, and prosecution. This paper, framed with a global perspective, also presents effective, model legislative responses and highlights global efforts that are readily adaptable by individual countries to combat the growing number of cases of children who are exploited via sexual extortion and the nonconsensual sharing of intimate images.Read More

New Report Examines Cryptocurrency’s Role in Online Child Sexual Exploitation

March 24, 2021

The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) in partnership with Standard Chartered has published Cryptocurrency and the Trade of Online Child Sexual Abuse Material, a review of the...


August 18, 2015

Future of Child Protection is at Risk

December 21, 2020

...Exploited Children (NCMEC) reported a 63% increase in reports of child sexual abuse material online in just the first 9 months of the year as compared to the year before,...

Technical Guidance Resource on Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

November 30, 2020

Since 2018, Child Helpline International and the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) have partnered to support five target countries in implementing a collaborative approach to combat online...


June 7, 2022 ensure their basic rights are being upheld. With the proper resources, partnerships, and tools in place, migrant children will have a better chance of living healthier and safer lives....

Football to unite to support International Missing Children’s Day Initiative

May 5, 2020

...20 years, ICMEC has been leading efforts to make the world safer for children from abduction, sexual abuse and exploitation. Their work reaches across every continent, and ICMEC’s Global Missing...

Researchers Identify Ways to Improve Care to Trafficked Children

March 5, 2020

...Exploited Children (ICMEC) The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) ( is making the world safer for children by eradicating child abduction, sexual abuse, and exploitation. We advocate,...

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, Child Trafficking, International Schools

Keeping Children Safe Standards: Audit of Safeguarding Policies


(Keeping Children Safe Coalition, 2014) The first Child Safeguarding Standards were launched over 12 years ago by a coalition of relief and development charities that later became known as Keeping Children Safe. Since then there has been a growing recognition that, as well as risks to children from staff and associates, inappropriately designed programmes and poor operational management can also create the possibility of risks to children. Keeping Children Safe represents a commitment by those working in this sector to ensure that their organisations “do no harm” and that they meet the responsibilities set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to protect children from all forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. An online audit tool is available, and this pdf is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Korean.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications

Online Grooming of Children for Sexual Purposes: Model Legislation & Global Review


(ICMEC) Prompted by the increasing number of cases of online grooming of children and relative lack of awareness of the growing issue, this original report analyzes legislation related to the online grooming of children for sexual purposes in 196 countries around the world. The report includes sections regarding definitions; offenses; and sanctions and sentencing, followed by an overview of related regional and international law, a discussion of implementation and good initiatives, and a global review of country-specific legislation that evaluates national legislation against 5 core criteria.Read More

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