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October 16, 2015

...and collaborates with other partners in the field to identify and measure threats to children and ways ICMEC can advocate change to help make children safer. The Koons Family Institute...


October 16, 2015 make children safer. The Koons Family Institute works to combat child abduction and child sexual exploitation on multiple fronts: by creating replicable legal tools, building international coalitions, bringing together...


October 16, 2015

...and measure threats to children and ways ICMEC can advocate change to help make children safer. The Koons Family Institute works to combat child abduction and child sexual exploitation on...

Notre Dame Summer Academy_Sponsors

March 13, 2023

PROTECTING CHILDREN ONLINE ACADEMY Sponsorship BY THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MISSING & EXPLOITED CHILDREN The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) is partnering with the University of Notre...

Recruitment Practices BIS (Jacoutot)

October 22, 2015

...and online • News and research about developing practice in the International and UK education sector • Challenging and inspiring interschool student competitions and events • Safer recruitment and child...

NetSmartz Workshop – Your Guide to Social Networking_US_NCMEC

October 22, 2015

...except what’s online. Check, check, check! The most important thing you can do to protect yourself on these sites is to check your profile for anything too risky to post....

Case Study #1

October 22, 2015

...rhetorically asked, “Is she safer here or there?” In the end, the school did not file a formal complaint and instead worked with the mother on parenting techniques. From the...

Quito Conference Agenda

November 16, 2015

...Children’s Privacy Online Speaker: Renato Leite Monteiro 13:00 – 14:30 Lunch 14:30 – 15:30 International Collaboration: Working to Mainstream Online Child Protection Online Globally ▪ ITU guidelines for children, parents,...

Model Missing Children Framework – FINAL_EN

July 20, 2016, digital/online media, social media) to use and to what extent. 8) Responses and investigative procedures. Any agency – law enforcement or NGO – that accepts reports of missing children...

A Child Is Lost_EN

November 28, 2016

...more useful later when the child is older and able to fully understand how to use the apps and other functions such as GPS and online maps. In our busy...

2017 ICMEC CORPORATE Response Form 1.24.17 1230PM

February 6, 2017

...supporting the 2017 Gala for Child Protection! Your contribution will be invested in building a safer world for children. The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children is a charitable...

ICMEC Photo Distribution Framework

February 13, 2017 and technologies, the responsible agency should define which types of media to use (i.e., print media, digital/online media, social media) and to what degree. As mentioned above, the extent...

ICMEC Photo Distribution Framework – FINAL

February 14, 2017

...and technologies, the responsible agency should define which types of media to use (i.e., print media, digital/online media, social media) and to what degree. As mentioned above, the extent and...

AISA CP Handbook 2016

March 9, 2017

...out and signed by the applicant before a criminal records check can be accomplished. An online module designed to assist in the pre-employment/volunteer screening process can provide links to the...

ARC Case Study 32 – Findings Report – Geelong Grammar School

June 4, 2018

...employee’s employment and then for a minimum of seven years. Geelong Grammar has prepared an online version of its Pastoral Policies, which includes five individual policies that relate to the...


February 3, 2025 global child protection and justice. About the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) ICMEC is a non-governmental organization working to make the world a safer place for...

ICMEC Photo Distribution Framework ES

August 3, 2018

...INTERPOL, Connecting Police for a Safer World, notificaciones amarillas, en expertise/Notices/Yellow-Notices (fecha de la última visita: 24 de octubre de 2016). 7 Íd. 8 Centro Internacional para Niños Desaparecidos...


October 1, 2018

...or organisational environment to reduce crime. In this sense, SCP is about creating safer environments to make crime more risky and difficult, less rewarding and/ or less appealing (see Brown...

GMCNgine Jan edits

February 4, 2019

www.icmec.orgGlobal Missing Children’s Network We create partnerships and build solutions that make the world a safer place for children. Every day, all around the world, children go missing. Children may...


April 22, 2019

...12. Does child protection education and on-line/virtual safety form part of the written and taught curriculum? 13. Are students, staff and volunteers aware of what to do if they feel...

Child-Protection-Policy-Planning-Worksheet doc

April 22, 2019

...policies? 12. Does child protection education and on-line/virtual safety form part of the written and taught curriculum? 13. Are students, staff and volunteers aware of what to do if they...

ICMEC Photo Distribution Framework (FINAL)

September 9, 2019 and technologies, the responsible agency should define which types of media to use (i.e., print media, digital/online media, social media) and to what degree. As mentioned above, the extent...

Model Missing Child Framework

February 3, 2020

...dissemination should be considered to help achieve the maximum impact. Distribution Mechanism The information should be distributed through various distribution channels – online and offline – in a manner appropriate...


April 9, 2020

...给孩子的安全诀窍 检查你所处区域的无线网络(Wi-Fi)或3G/4G服务是否能 够连接。给家长、监护人、或其他可信任的成年人打电话 或发短信,让对方来接你。 使用你手机上的地图功能(GPS)来得知自己的位置,可以 输入你的家庭住址来找到回家的路,或者找到前往最近的安 全地点的路线。 离家前一定要检查好手机电量,确保电量充满。 牢记自己的家庭住址与电话号码。在手机通讯录或者记事本 应用(App)中记录好家庭住址、家庭电话、家长和其他近 亲的电话号码,以及应急服务部门的电话。 拍下你周围环境的照片,将照片通过短信或者邮件发送给 家长,这能帮助他们找到你。 给家长的安全诀窍 确保孩子的手机上存有紧急联系人的信息。 在孩子的智能手机上下载能够报告自己所处 位置,并具有紧急呼救(SOS)键的手机应 用(App)。 打开孩子智能手机上的“查找我的手机”功能。 使用地理定位应用(App)来追踪孩子的位 置。 充分利用在手机未解锁时也可以显示医疗相关 信息与紧急联系人联系方式的手机应用 (App)。 携手让孩子更安全 欲知更多信息可访问:


April 16, 2020

...might like to play alone. Sometimes they might want to play with others. They might like to play online, with other people in your house, or with a pet, doll...

HT and Exploitation Global Health Concern Zimmerman 2017

July 23, 2020

...Kiss L. Safer labour migration and community-based prevention of exploita- tion: The state of the evidence for programming. 2016 46. Lopez JA, Orellana X. The Crime No One Fights: Human...

Fostering Healing in CSE Children & Youth_Review Moynihan 2018

July 23, 2020 found online at JOURNAL OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE 2018, VOL. 27, NO. 4, 403–423 © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis. This is an Open...

Community Perspectives Transactional Sex Uganda Kyegombe 2020

July 23, 2020

...Cross-generational and transactional sexual relationships in sub-saharan Africa: prevalence of behaviour and implications for negotiating safer sexual practices. Washington: ICRW and PSI; 2002. 53. Wamoyi J, Heise L, Meiksin R,...

CSA stats for China final

November 5, 2020

...WORLD SAFER FOR CHILDREN If you witness harm or suspect a child could be harmed, or if a child trusts you and discloses discomfort, fear, or harm… TAKE ACTIONBELIEVE THEM...

2020 ICMEC Form 990_PD

October 29, 2021


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