Search Results


February 25, 2025

...websites and related providers to utilize existing technology to curb minors’ access to sexually explicit, adults-only online content. Because age verification can occur automatically whenever a device attempts to gain...

Caring for Trafficked Persons IOM 2009

July 22, 2020

...practice, WHO, Geneva, 2005. 2005 WHO Online Sex Work Toolkit: Targeted HIV/AIDS prevention and care in sex work settings, web information available at « » WHO, Geneva, 2005. 2002...

Terminology guidelines_ES

October 28, 2016


PreWork Chapter 1 ASMTrainingGuide-USDOE

March 9, 2019 activities (Beyer, 1997). Yet each year, students in elementary and secondary education fall victim to unacceptable behaviors with sexual overtones, ranging from inappropriate touching and online conversations to physical...

Forms of abuse definitions signs and indicators

June 24, 2020

...disruption — Increase in followers or contacts —- New devices and/or platforms — New usage patterns —- Avoidance of online use or certain online platforms or apps. Additional child protection...

Identifying Exploitation Homeless Youth Mostajabian 2019

July 22, 2020

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Identifying Sexual and Labor Exploitation among Sheltered Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Comparison of Screening Methods Salina Mostajabian 1,2, Diane Santa Maria...

AAP Policy Statement Global Child Trafficking 2017

July 23, 2020

... originally published online November 27, 2017; Pediatrics NEGLECT and SECTION ON INTERNATIONAL CHILD HEALTH Jordan Greenbaum, Nia Bodrick, COMMITTEE ON CHILD ABUSE AND Global...

AAP Policy Statement Global Child Trafficking 2017

July 23, 2020

... originally published online November 27, 2017; Pediatrics NEGLECT and SECTION ON INTERNATIONAL CHILD HEALTH Jordan Greenbaum, Nia Bodrick, COMMITTEE ON CHILD ABUSE AND Global...

Notre Dame Summer Academy_Curriculum, Bios (13)

May 2, 2023

...survivors of sex trafficking and online child sexual exploitation. She also coordinates Crisis Aid’s law enforcement, medical and community crisis response to victims of sex trafficking, online child sexual exploitation...

Forms of abuse definitions signs and indicators

August 4, 2023

...Increase in followers or contacts — New devices and/or platforms — New usage patterns — Avoidance of online use or certain online platforms or apps. Additional child protection concerns and...


September 10, 2024

...Commission or its services. Workbook This workbook accompanies the online training module titled, “Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Combatting Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Trafficking: A Guide for Professionals.” It is best...

Keeping Children Safe Audit UK

October 22, 2015

EXPERT CHILD SAFEGUARDING ADVICE AND SUPPORT Making international schools and organisations safer for children KCS Consulting GET EXPERT CHILD SAFEGUARDING ADVICE & SUPPORT FOR YOUR SCHOOL OR ORGANISATION Access knowledge...

Responding to Improper Touching CA

October 22, 2015

...each other physically, including inappropriate touch, they in turn will feel safer and more able to talk about such issues. Some classroom teachers (especially those teaching students with intellectual disabilities)...

CDC Recommendations for STI Testing (2015)

October 22, 2015

Recommendations and Reports / Vol. 64 / No. 3 June 5, 2015 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report...

BC MofE – Responding to Improper Touching

October 23, 2015

...each other physically, including inappropriate touch, they in turn will feel safer and more able to talk about such issues. Some classroom teachers (especially those teaching students with intellectual disabilities)...

Child Sexual Molestation Research Issues (NIJ)

October 25, 2015

...Rosenberg, and W. Stevenson, Report on Nationwide Survey of Juvenile and Adult Sex-Offender Treatment Programs and Providers, Syracuse, New York: Safer Society Press, 1986. 20. Pithers, W.D., “Relapse Prevention With...


October 25, 2015

...Protection and Building Safer Childhoods A D V O C AT E ⋅ T R A I N ⋅ C O L L A B O R AT E Welcome...

Legal Research Intern Position Description

January 12, 2017

Page | 1 Making the world safer for children by eradicating child abduction, sexual abuse and exploitation. Legal Research Internship Thank you for your interest in becoming an intern at...

Legal Research Intern Position Description

January 3, 2018

Page | 1 Making the world safer for children by eradicating child abduction, sexual abuse and exploitation. Legal Research Internship Thank you for your interest in interning at the International...

Legal Research Intern Position Description

April 4, 2018

Page | 1 Making the world safer for children by eradicating child abduction, sexual abuse and exploitation. Legal Research Internship Thank you for your interest in interning at the International...

SEF_Curriculum Design 2018

October 30, 2018

...they will be affected by them, the menstrual cycle, wet dreams, erections, fertility, pregnancy – how it can be avoided, and safer sex. They may also be wondering if their...

Restraint – reducing-the-need-for-restraint-and-restrictive-intervention

October 2, 2019

...situation which causes anxiety or distress to themselves and/or others and taking them to a safer Reducing the Need for Restraint and Restrictive Intervention 10 place where they have a...

CSN Hotspot-Mapping-Guidance

July 6, 2020

...or as students do to make the problem areas safer and more welcoming? How can we make our school feel “cooler”? • In what ways could the school staff make...

Street Children HIV STI Malawi Mandalazi 2013

July 22, 2020

...This is due to various factors which include low knowledge levels of STI and HIV, high risk sexual practices, lack of safer place to spend their nights for both boys...

CDC Guidelines on STI treatment 2015

July 22, 2020

Recommendations and Reports / Vol. 64 / No. 3 June 5, 2015 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report...

10th Ed. One Pager (2)

November 3, 2023

CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE MATERIAL: MODEL LEGISLATION & GLOBAL REVIEW – 10th Edition To ensure a safer future for children worldwide, it is imperative that more countries take decisive action. The...


October 16, 2015 make children safer. The Koons Family Institute works to combat child abduction and child sexual exploitation on multiple fronts: by creating replicable legal tools, building international coalitions, bringing together...


October 16, 2015

...and measure threats to children and ways ICMEC can advocate change to help make children safer. The Koons Family Institute works to combat child abduction and child sexual exploitation on...

Recruitment Practices BIS (Jacoutot)

October 22, 2015

...and online • News and research about developing practice in the International and UK education sector • Challenging and inspiring interschool student competitions and events • Safer recruitment and child...

AAP Statement on Maltreatment and Disabilities (2007)

October 22, 2015

...the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Boulevard,...

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