Below are the resources and links for ICMEC response team training:
- Level II response team prework (ICMEC)
- Accreditation standards for child protection and guiding questions (ITFCP)
- Allegation protocol (ITFCP)
- Audits on portal
- Characteristics of an Effective Abuse Prevention Curriculum (ICMEC, 2017)
- Central record and Accreditation FAQs on portal
- Conduct agreement sample (Save The Children)
- CP policy template (ICMEC) New!
- Creating a CP response team (CfC)
- Definitions, signs and indicators of abuse for training (AISA/ICMEC)
- Forms
- Child Protection Policy Planning Worksheet download (ITFCP)
- Forms for statements and Follow up form (IKeepSafe)
- Considerations for school response BLANK (ICMEC) Updated!
- Local and online resources form for parents download Updated!
- Reporting Concerns Form (NSPCC)
- Risk Assessment Template (H&SA, Ireland)
- Safety planning form samples in Incident Response
- Team assessment of risks and protective factors, download(ICMEC)
- Incident Response on portal
- Induction Training Template DRAFT and Assessment (ICMEC)
- Key considerations for evaluating concern or risk (ICMEC) Updated!
- Mandatory reporter infographic (ICMEC)
- National Laws on portal
- Non-recent abuse response (Farrer)
- Promotional language for websites on child protection (ICMEC)
- Redress and civil litigation samples (Australia Royal Commission Final Report)
- Response team roles (ICMEC)
- Sample Designated Safeguarding Lead or Child Protection Designate Job Description
- Sample school policies on portal
- Sexting in schools advice (CEOP, UKCCIS)
- Shared values list
- Team assessment of risks and protective factors (ICMEC)
- Trainer bios (ICMEC)
- Training Checklist (ICMEC)
- Framework for Safe and Successful School Environments (NASP)