Research Library

Child Protection, Cybercrime

Digital Threats to Child Safety: A Brief Guide for Organizations on Outreach and Educational Activities


(ROCIT) In recent years, the theme of digital safety for children has become more urgent, and has led to the active organization of outreach activities to raise awareness regarding dangerous Internet content and to promote prevention of Internet-based threats. Secondary educational institutions, clubs for children and teenagers, cultural institutions, as well as the Internet, and in some cases, can all be utilized to this end and may provide a more systematic approach/framework/structure to the activities. Often organizers are hindered by a lack of information and a clear understanding of what should be discussed at such events. This guide is designed specifically for those cases in which professionals, who wish to engage in outreach/awareness work focused on digital content safety for children and adolescents, must first obtain a basic understanding of the problem and its characteristics in order to determine the further selection of specific materials and literature. The guide addresses the primary types of Internet content that pose threats to children along with basic steps to stop the circulation of these types of content.Read More

ICMEC Publications, Legislation, Missing Children/Child Abduction, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Missing Children in Southeast Asia: Model Framework & Regional Review


(ICMEC) This report, the second in the series, reviews current legislation, policies, and best practices related to missing children in ten Southeast Asian countries, as determined by their membership in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (also referred to as Lao PDR or Laos), Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. This report contains a regional review and country-specific information – including legislation, policies, and practices – along with a gap analysis and regional recommendations for developing and strengthening existing mechanisms concerning missing and abducted children in Southeast Asia.Read More

Child Pornography, Child Protection, Cybercrime, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand

Child Protection in the Digital Age: National Responses to Online Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation in ASEAN Member States


(UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office) This report provides a benchmark of Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Member States’ current efforts to effectively and comprehensively address child sexual abuse and exploitation, both online and offline.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, Child Sexual Abuse Material (Child Pornography), Child Trafficking

Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse


(ECPAT, Terminology and Semantics Interagency Working Group on Sexual Exploitation of Children) The purpose of this document is to provide all individuals and agencies working for the prevention and elimination of all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children with guidance for the understanding and use of the different terms and concepts they may encounter in their work.  Read More

Child Protection, International Schools, Background Checks, Safe Recruitment

International Task Force on Child Protection June 2016 Report: Outcomes & Recommendations


(ITFCP) The work of the International Task Force on Child Protection has been undertaken by a coalition of 90+ volunteers, leaders of international education organizations, school leaders, counsellors, business and security managers and teachers, school accreditation, inspection and recruitment professionals, working collaboratively across professions with dedicated law enforcement officials and the medical community. This broad collaboration and diverse perspective from a variety of roles resulted in the creation of ICMEC's Education Portal, accreditation and inspection agency New Standards for Child Protection, and Essential Recruiting Practices following a pilot at 75 international schools. The ITFCP continues to work towards an Interpol International Police Certificate for educator background checks.Read More

Child Protection, Missing Children/Child Abduction

SUMMIT Report: Best Practices and Key Challenges on Interagency Cooperation to Safeguard Unaccompanied Children from Going Missing


(Missing Children Europe) Safeguarding Unaccompanied Migrant Minors from Going Missing by Identifying Best Practices and Training Actors on Interagency Cooperation (SUMMIT) launched in October 2014 within the European Union. The objective of the SUMMIT project is to reduce the number of unaccompanied children who go missing. The project addresses how disappearances of  unaccompanied children are addressed in different EU Member States, and promotes successful strategies and behaviors related to prevention and response.Read More

Child Protection, Missing Children/Child Abduction

Smartphones (Infographic)


(ICMEC, ROCIT) Learn more about how smartphones can help when a child is lost.Read More

Child Protection, ICMEC Publications

Be Safer Online (Infographic)


(ICMEC, ROCIT) Learn more about how to play your part for a safer Internet. Created for Safer Internet Day 2016, this infographic provides tips to help children stay safer online.    Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, Child Sexual Abuse Material (Child Pornography), Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications, Legislation, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

Protecting Children from Cybercrime: Legislative Responses in Latin America to Fight Child Pornography, Online Grooming, and Cyberbullying through Information and Communication Technologies


(ICMEC, The World Bank, Associação dos Juízes Federais da Primeira Região do Brasil) In the framework of the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development, ICMEC, The World Bank and Associação dos Juízes Federais da Primeira Região do Brasil published a Latin America regional study on legislative responses for the protection of children from violence through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in response to a growing concern over the use of ICTs to commit violence against children.

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Child Protection, ICMEC Publications, Missing Children/Child Abduction

Model Missing Child Framework


(ICMEC) In an effort to facilitate more efficient investigation, management, and resolution of missing children cases, a robust, national missing child framework is necessary.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, Child Sexual Abuse Material (Child Pornography), Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications, Legislation, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, North Korea, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam

Protecting Children from Cybercrime: Legislative Responses in Asia to Fight Child Pornography, Online Grooming and Cyberbullying


(ICMEC, The World Bank) In the framework of the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development, ICMEC and The World Bank published an Asian regional study on legislative responses for the protection of children from violence through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in response to a growing concern over the use of ICTs to commit violence against children.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, International Schools, Risk Assessment, Safe Recruitment, Schools, Teachers, Training

Acquaintance Molestation and Youth-Serving Organizations


(Lanning and Dietz, 2014) Article dispels myths and addresses misconceptions about acquaintance molesters and enables youth-serving organizations to recognize barriers to identification and adoption of best practice in order to do the most the law allows rather than the least the law requires. Published online 23 May 2014 "Journal of Interpersonal Violence," 29, 2815-2838Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, International Schools, IT safeguarding curriculum, Mandatory Reporters, Policies and Procedures, Professional Development, Safe Recruitment, Schools, Teachers, Volunteers

AISA Child Protection Handbook


(Association of International Schools in Africa, AISA) Foundation resource for international schools developed with content experts. Contains modules on recruitment, policies and procedures, multi-disciplinary teams, abuse prevention curriculum, and self-audit tools. Guidance is applicable to all child-serving organizations, but also includes regional resources.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, International Schools

Multidisciplinary Team Response to Child Maltreatment


(CANW) This article focuses on international implementation of the Children's Advocacy Center model in cases of child maltreatment, and examines the usefulness of community collaboration on abuse cases, with international examples.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications

The Digital Economy: Potential, Perils, and Promises


(ICMEC, Thomson Reuters) This report of the Digital Economy Task Force, led by ICMEC and Thomson Reuters, explores the benefits and risks of the emerging digital economy, and provides recommendations for policymakers, financial institutions, law enforcement, and others.Read More

Child Protection, Cybercrime

ITU Guidelines for Industry on Child Protection Online


(International Telecommunications Union) These updated guidelines for industry on child online protection provide advice on how the information and communication technology industry can help promote safety for children using the Internet or any technologies or devices that can connect to it.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime

Confronting New Challenges in the Fight Against Child Pornography: Considerations for Protecting Children & Your Company’s Reputation When Engaging with Digital Businesses


(ICMEC, APAC-FCACP) The goal of this paper is to help companies manage risk and relationships by providing information on the digital platforms/business models that can be abused for the purpose of distributing child sexual exploitation content.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Trafficking, Cybercrime

The Abuse of Information and Communication Technologies for Child Sex Trafficking


(ICMEC) This article reviews the international legal framework and supporting initiatives aimed at combating the abuse of information and communication technologies for purposes of child sex trafficking.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime

Confronting New Challenges in the Fight Against Child Pornography: Best Practices to Help File Hosting and File Sharing Companies Fight the Distribution of Child Sexual Exploitation Content


(ICMEC, APAC-FCACP), This report details what precautions file sharing and file hosting companies can take to help ensure that child sexual exploitation content is not stored, hosted, reproduced, or distributed by users of their services.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Trafficking, Missing Children/Child Abduction, England

Running from hate to what you think is love: The relationship between running away and child sexual exploitation


(Barnardo’s) Research focused on running away, child sexual exploitation (CSE) and youth homelessness has documented an intrinsic relationship between running away and CSE. However, a review of this research literature reveals that none of the research projects addressing running away have explored the issue of CSE in depth. Previous research has started to explore the relationship between running away and CSE but there is need for research that explicitly explores this relationship. In recognition of this gap in learning, Barnardo’s and Paradigm Research developed a proposal to undertake an action research study to address the relationship between running away and CSE in England. This report presents their findings.Read More

Missing Children/Child Abduction

Missing children in the European Union: Mapping, data collection and statistics


(European Commission - Directorate-General for Justice) This study was conducted by Ecorys on behalf of DG Justice from July 2012-June 2013 to: (1) collect and analyze data, and develop the basis to improve the mechanisms involved when children go missing in the EU Member States; and (2) use and build on existing data and indicators to obtain sustainable, comparable data and indicators on missing children in all EU Member States covering 2008-2010 (and 2011 where available).Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation

Global Health Coalition: Summary & Strategy for the Future


(ICMEC) As part of the Declaration of Rome, a Global Health Coalition was created to help address child sexual abuse and exploitation as a public health crisis. This report details the Coalition’s strategy.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, ICMEC Publications, Legislation, Russia

Russian Legislation on the Protection of Children Against Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation


(ICMEC) This white paper reviews the reasons why the Russian Federation has delayed ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography and the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse and attempts to determine the primary challenges for bringing Russian law in line with these international instruments.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Marriage, ICMEC Publications, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Yemen

Child Marriage in the MENA Region


(ICMEC) This white paper explores the link between child (or early) marriage and child sexual exploitation. With a focus on 4 countries - Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran and Yemen - this report provides a broad overview of the issue, its causes and effects, and the differing legal treatment of child marriage. In addition to country profiles, the report also presents several recommendations for future action in the region.Read More

Child Protection, ICMEC Publications, Legislation

Child Protection Model Law – Best Practices: Protection of Children from Neglect, Abuse, Maltreatment and Exploitation


(ICMEC, The Protection Project) This is a comprehensive model law on protecting children from all forms of neglect, abuse, maltreatment and exploitation which incorporates international standards and best practices of child protection, based on the protection measures of CRC and its two optional protocols and citing 130 domestic laws from 68 countries.Read More

Child Protection, ICMEC Publications

100 Best Practices in Child Protection


(ICMEC, The Protection Project) This guide is intended to offer examples of some successful initiatives undertaken by civil society organizations as well as individuals and government agencies concerned with protecting children around the world.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications

Joint Report on Online Child Protection: Combatting Child Pornography on the Internet


(ICMEC, Children’s Charities’ Coalition on Internet Safety) This report updated the one previously released in 2010, and describes the impact of the Internet on the production and distribution of child pornography. It presents a range of legal measures that Commonwealth Member States might consider adopting, and it sets them in the context of wider initiatives designed to make the Internet a safer place for children and young people around the world.Read More

Missing Children/Child Abduction

A Statistical Analysis of Applications Made in 2008 under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: Global Report (Part I)


(Hague Conference on Private International Law) This report analyzes global results compiled by the third statistical survey into the operation of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction conducted by the Centre of International Family Law Studies at Cardiff University Law School in collaboration with the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.Read More

Missing Children/Child Abduction

A Statistical Analysis of Applications Made in 2008 under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: Regional Reports (Part II)


(Hague Conference on Private International Law) This report analyzes regional results compiled by the third statistical survey into the operation of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction conducted by the Centre of International Family Law Studies at Cardiff University Law School in collaboration with the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.Read More

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