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Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, International Schools, Legislation

Child Online Protection in India


(UNICEF) UNICEF commissioned this report to better understand online risks faced by children, identify gaps in legislation, ensure removal of harmful materials, support investigation and law enforcement and to identify services for victims of online exploitation and abuse. The aim was to identify priorities for government, NGOs, IT companies and other international agencies and determine appropriate interventions.Read More

ICMEC Publications, Legislation, Missing Children/Child Abduction, Belarus, Canada, Finland, Kazakhstan, Russia, United States of America

Missing Children Assessment and Recommendations Best Practices Guide


(ICMEC) This report was undertaken within the scope of a grant from the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Embassy in Moscow, with a focus on the issues of missing and exploited children. This report reviews current legislation, policies, and best practices related to missing children in six countries: Belarus, Canada, Finland, Kazakhstan, Russia, and the United States. While not representative of a single region, ICMEC reviewed legislation, policies, and practices in Russia and the United States (per the terms of the grant) along with a sampling of countries nearby to each, including post-Soviet countries and others, in an effort to review a variety of approaches and possible scenarios. The report contains country-specific information – including legislation, policies, and practices – along with a gap analysis and recommendations for developing and strengthening existing mechanisms in each of these countries.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, International Schools, Case Study, IT safeguarding curriculum, Peer-Peer Abuse, Schools, Sexting

Sexting in Schools: Responding to incidents and safeguarding young people


(UKCCIS) Produced by the UK Counsel for Child Internet Safety, this cornerstone advice is for school heads and child protection designates or designated safeguarding leads on youth produced sexual imagery. Research found that 61% of secondary school head teachers reported this as a greater concern than smoking, drugs, obesity or offline bullying. This advice covers responding to disclosures, handling devices and imagery, assessing risk, reporting protocols, recording incidents, involving parents, supporting victims and victimizers, and preventative safeguarding and IT education. Resource lists, reporting forms, incident flow charts and staff training materials are included.Read More

Asia-Pacific Financial Coalition Against Child Sexual Exploitation

October 26, 2017

ICMEC Publications, Legislation, Missing Children/Child Abduction, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Missing Children in Southeast Asia: Model Framework & Regional Review


(ICMEC) This report, the second in the series, reviews current legislation, policies, and best practices related to missing children in ten Southeast Asian countries, as determined by their membership in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (also referred to as Lao PDR or Laos), Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. This report contains a regional review and country-specific information – including legislation, policies, and practices – along with a gap analysis and regional recommendations for developing and strengthening existing mechanisms concerning missing and abducted children in Southeast Asia.Read More

Practicing Safeguarding in Online Learning Environments

March 23, 2020

...with Video (Lesson Links) Local and online help form template for parents (Prevention) Role of Mandatory Reporters (Prevention) Online Safety Education Action Plan and Audit (Audits and Online Safety Education)...

Child Pornography, Child Protection, Cybercrime, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand

Child Protection in the Digital Age: National Responses to Online Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation in ASEAN Member States


(UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office) This report provides a benchmark of Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Member States’ current efforts to effectively and comprehensively address child sexual abuse and exploitation, both online and offline.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, Child Sexual Abuse Material (Child Pornography), Child Trafficking

Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse


(ECPAT, Terminology and Semantics Interagency Working Group on Sexual Exploitation of Children) The purpose of this document is to provide all individuals and agencies working for the prevention and elimination of all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children with guidance for the understanding and use of the different terms and concepts they may encounter in their work.  Read More

Child Protection during the COVID-19 Crisis

April 9, 2020

...Children, Adults May Increase Post COVID-19 Lockdown, Fear NGOs (, 29 July 2020) Australia’s Coronavirus Outbreak Raises Alarm Over Online Child Sexual Abuse (Reuters, 21 July 2020) COVID: Increase in...

Child Protection, Missing Children/Child Abduction

SUMMIT Report: Best Practices and Key Challenges on Interagency Cooperation to Safeguard Unaccompanied Children from Going Missing


(Missing Children Europe) Safeguarding Unaccompanied Migrant Minors from Going Missing by Identifying Best Practices and Training Actors on Interagency Cooperation (SUMMIT) launched in October 2014 within the European Union. The objective of the SUMMIT project is to reduce the number of unaccompanied children who go missing. The project addresses how disappearances of  unaccompanied children are addressed in different EU Member States, and promotes successful strategies and behaviors related to prevention and response.Read More

Country Roundtables

October 19, 2015 child sexual abuse materials, and help expand local collaboration. They act as forums for three main groups of participants – government agencies, commercial companies, multi-lateral and NGO partners –...

Country-Specific Findings

May 24, 2017

Individual country reports contain specific information including a review of legislation, policies, and practices concerning missing children in each country. Select individual country reports below for more detailed information. *All...

Child Protection, ICMEC Publications

Be Safer Online (Infographic)


(ICMEC, ROCIT) Learn more about how to play your part for a safer Internet. Created for Safer Internet Day 2016, this infographic provides tips to help children stay safer online.    Read More

Education Portal

September 1, 2015


Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, Child Sexual Abuse Material (Child Pornography), Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications, Legislation, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

Protecting Children from Cybercrime: Legislative Responses in Latin America to Fight Child Pornography, Online Grooming, and Cyberbullying through Information and Communication Technologies


(ICMEC, The World Bank, Associação dos Juízes Federais da Primeira Região do Brasil) In the framework of the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development, ICMEC, The World Bank and Associação dos Juízes Federais da Primeira Região do Brasil published a Latin America regional study on legislative responses for the protection of children from violence through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in response to a growing concern over the use of ICTs to commit violence against children.

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Abuse Prevention Education

March 17, 2017

...autonomy, boundaries, and consent, identification of trusted adults, online safety and digital literacy, healthy relationships, healthy sexual behavior, staying safe away from home, commercial exploitation, and support for disclosing abuse...

Child Protection, ICMEC Publications, Missing Children/Child Abduction

Model Missing Child Framework


(ICMEC) In an effort to facilitate more efficient investigation, management, and resolution of missing children cases, a robust, national missing child framework is necessary.Read More

Audits & Checklists

December 14, 2017

...Youth Protection Audit (US) Local Direct Services Information Sheet Template (NSPCC) Online Safety Education Action Plan and Audit (eSafety Commissioner, AU) Recommended Screening and Assessment Practices (ITFCP) Self-assessment Process Online...

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, Child Sexual Abuse Material (Child Pornography), Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications, Legislation, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, North Korea, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam

Protecting Children from Cybercrime: Legislative Responses in Asia to Fight Child Pornography, Online Grooming and Cyberbullying


(ICMEC, The World Bank) In the framework of the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development, ICMEC and The World Bank published an Asian regional study on legislative responses for the protection of children from violence through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in response to a growing concern over the use of ICTs to commit violence against children.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, International Schools, Risk Assessment, Safe Recruitment, Schools, Teachers, Training

Acquaintance Molestation and Youth-Serving Organizations


(Lanning and Dietz, 2014) Article dispels myths and addresses misconceptions about acquaintance molesters and enables youth-serving organizations to recognize barriers to identification and adoption of best practice in order to do the most the law allows rather than the least the law requires. Published online 23 May 2014 "Journal of Interpersonal Violence," 29, 2815-2838Read More


October 22, 2015

...for Sexual Purposes (ICMEC) Online Abuse Statistics Infographic (EVAC) Online Sexual Coercion & Extortion Definitions and Risks (Europol, multiple languages) Possible Warning Signs of Hazing (StopHazing) Perils and Possibilities: Growing...

Background Checks

October 22, 2015

Background checks may include a variety of verifications including identity, education, previous employment, professional licenses, social media, drug and health testing, credit and criminal checks. Background screening helps your organization...

Child Protection

October 22, 2015

AISA Child Protection Handbook Creating a Child Protection Team (CfC) Child Protection Assessment Checklist (AISA, ICMEC) Child Protection Policy Planning form (ITFCP, ICMEC) Key Resource Child Protection Self-audit Process (Keeping...

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications

The Digital Economy: Potential, Perils, and Promises


(ICMEC, Thomson Reuters) This report of the Digital Economy Task Force, led by ICMEC and Thomson Reuters, explores the benefits and risks of the emerging digital economy, and provides recommendations for policymakers, financial institutions, law enforcement, and others.Read More

Child Protection News

November 29, 2017

...(TechCrunch, April 2019) Global task force targets online sexual abuse in Philippines (Reuters, April 2019) UK proposes mandatory ‘duty of care’ for online providers in toughest proposed legislation on online...

Child Protection, Cybercrime

ITU Guidelines for Industry on Child Protection Online


(International Telecommunications Union) These updated guidelines for industry on child online protection provide advice on how the information and communication technology industry can help promote safety for children using the Internet or any technologies or devices that can connect to it.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Trafficking, Cybercrime

The Abuse of Information and Communication Technologies for Child Sex Trafficking


(ICMEC) This article reviews the international legal framework and supporting initiatives aimed at combating the abuse of information and communication technologies for purposes of child sex trafficking.Read More

Family Resources

October 29, 2015

Be Safer Online Infographic (ICMEC, multiple languages) Be Share Aware (NSPCC) Bringing up Boys: sexual harassment and parenting boys (NYT) Child Protection in International Schools Webinar – what expat parents...

Frequently Asked Questions

October 22, 2015

...crisis to make vulnerable children safer when isolated at home? A. A number of resources are available from multiple sources on the page. These resources support the following guidance:...

Global Hotline and Helpline Directory

October 22, 2015

...United States of America Additional Reporting Mechanisms for Online Abuse and Sexual Images of Children For child sexual exploitation in any country (including suspected online enticement of children for sexual...

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