Guidelines & Protocols for Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Trafficking Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines (US CDC, 2015) July 22, 2020 Go
Guidelines & Protocols for Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Trafficking Recommendations for Providing Quality Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinical Services (US CDC, 2020) July 22, 2020 Go
Guidelines & Protocols for Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Trafficking Violence against children in Latin America and Caribbean countries: a comprehensive review of national health sector efforts in prevention and response (Wirtz, 2016) July 22, 2020 Go
Guidelines & Protocols for Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Trafficking Agenda for Zero Discrimination in Healthcare (WHO, 2016) July 22, 2020 Go
Guidelines & Protocols for Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Trafficking Responding to children and adolescents who have been sexually abused (WHO, 2017) July 22, 2020 Go
Guidelines & Protocols for Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Trafficking guidelines on the management of health complications from female genital mutilation (WHO, 2017) July 22, 2020 Go
Guidelines & Protocols for Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Trafficking Ethical and safety recommendations for interviewing trafficked women (WHO, 2003) July 22, 2020 Go
Exploitation of Street-Based Children The lived experiences of children living on the streets of Hillbrow (Myburgh, 2015) July 22, 2020 Go
Exploitation of Street-Based Children HIV prevalence in children and youth living on the street and subject to commercial sexual exploitation (Herrera, 2016) July 22, 2020 Go
Exploitation of Street-Based Children Identifying Sexual and Labor Exploitation among Sheltered Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Mostajabian, 2019) July 22, 2020 Go
Exploitation of Street-Based Children Sexual and physical abuse and its determinants among street children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Chimdessa, 2018) July 22, 2020 Go
Exploitation of Street-Based Children Street children’s vulnerability to HIV and sexually transmitted infections in Malawian cities (Mandalazi, 2013) July 22, 2020 Go
Unrecognised Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children in Child, Early and Forced Marriage (ECPAT, 2015) July 5, 2020 Go
Understanding Early Marriage and Transactional Sex In the Context of Armed Conflict (Hutchinson, 2016) July 5, 2020 Go
Prevalence of child marriage and its eff ect on fertility and fertility-control outcomes of young women in India (Raj, 2009) July 5, 2020 Go
Girl Child Marriage and Its Association With National Rates of HIV, Maternal Health, and Infant Mortality Across 97 Countries (Raj, 2013) July 5, 2020 Go
Girl child marriage as a risk factor for early childhood development and stunting (Efevbera, 2017) July 5, 2020 Go
Association Between Child Marriage and Reproductive Health Outcomes and Service Utilization (Godha, 2013) July 5, 2020 Go
Child marriage and intimate partner violence: a comparative study of 34 countries (Kidman, 2017) July 5, 2020 Go