Connected Kids: A Comprehensive Guide to Ensuring Online Safety and Well-being

This guide has been written to help adults who live, or work directly, with children and young people to support them to be safe and happy online.

It aims to support parents, carers, educators, and any other adult who has a duty of care towards children to better understand, prevent, and, if needed, respond to online abuse, including sexual harassment, grooming, sexual abuse and exploitation, image-based abuse, and others. This guide provides adults with tips on how to discuss internet safety and some difficult topics with children, how to ensure a climate of trust so that children can go to them if they have encountered something wrong online, and how to recognise abuse and seek help if needed.

Topics covered include

Download the guide to learn more about digital safety and tips to keep children safe online 👇

Connected Kids: A Comprehensive Guide to Ensuring Online Safety and Well-being

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101021801.

The content published herein is the sole responsibility of the publishers, and it does not necessarily represent the views expressed by the European Commission or its services.