Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, International Schools

Multidisciplinary Team Response to Child Maltreatment


(CANW) This article focuses on international implementation of the Children's Advocacy Center model in cases of child maltreatment, and examines the usefulness of community collaboration on abuse cases, with international examples.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications

The Digital Economy: Potential, Perils, and Promises


(ICMEC, Thomson Reuters) This report of the Digital Economy Task Force, led by ICMEC and Thomson Reuters, explores the benefits and risks of the emerging digital economy, and provides recommendations for policymakers, financial institutions, law enforcement, and others.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime

Confronting New Challenges in the Fight Against Child Pornography: Considerations for Protecting Children & Your Company’s Reputation When Engaging with Digital Businesses


(ICMEC, APAC-FCACP) The goal of this paper is to help companies manage risk and relationships by providing information on the digital platforms/business models that can be abused for the purpose of distributing child sexual exploitation content.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Trafficking, Cybercrime

The Abuse of Information and Communication Technologies for Child Sex Trafficking


(ICMEC) This article reviews the international legal framework and supporting initiatives aimed at combating the abuse of information and communication technologies for purposes of child sex trafficking.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime

Confronting New Challenges in the Fight Against Child Pornography: Best Practices to Help File Hosting and File Sharing Companies Fight the Distribution of Child Sexual Exploitation Content


(ICMEC, APAC-FCACP), This report details what precautions file sharing and file hosting companies can take to help ensure that child sexual exploitation content is not stored, hosted, reproduced, or distributed by users of their services.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Trafficking, Missing Children/Child Abduction, England

Running from hate to what you think is love: The relationship between running away and child sexual exploitation


(Barnardo’s) Research focused on running away, child sexual exploitation (CSE) and youth homelessness has documented an intrinsic relationship between running away and CSE. However, a review of this research literature reveals that none of the research projects addressing running away have explored the issue of CSE in depth. Previous research has started to explore the relationship between running away and CSE but there is need for research that explicitly explores this relationship. In recognition of this gap in learning, Barnardo’s and Paradigm Research developed a proposal to undertake an action research study to address the relationship between running away and CSE in England. This report presents their findings.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation

Global Health Coalition: Summary & Strategy for the Future


(ICMEC) As part of the Declaration of Rome, a Global Health Coalition was created to help address child sexual abuse and exploitation as a public health crisis. This report details the Coalition’s strategy.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, ICMEC Publications, Legislation, Russia

Russian Legislation on the Protection of Children Against Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation


(ICMEC) This white paper reviews the reasons why the Russian Federation has delayed ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography and the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse and attempts to determine the primary challenges for bringing Russian law in line with these international instruments.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Marriage, ICMEC Publications, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Yemen

Child Marriage in the MENA Region


(ICMEC) This white paper explores the link between child (or early) marriage and child sexual exploitation. With a focus on 4 countries - Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran and Yemen - this report provides a broad overview of the issue, its causes and effects, and the differing legal treatment of child marriage. In addition to country profiles, the report also presents several recommendations for future action in the region.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications

Joint Report on Online Child Protection: Combatting Child Pornography on the Internet


(ICMEC, Children’s Charities’ Coalition on Internet Safety) This report updated the one previously released in 2010, and describes the impact of the Internet on the production and distribution of child pornography. It presents a range of legal measures that Commonwealth Member States might consider adopting, and it sets them in the context of wider initiatives designed to make the Internet a safer place for children and young people around the world.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications

Trends in Online Crime and Their Potential Implications in the Fight Against Commercial Child Pornography


(U.S. FCACP) The intent of this report is to highlight emerging trends in cybercrime/cybersecurity and to evoke thought and discussion about their potential impact on the child safety arena. Each section delves into examples of activities that have garnered the attention of the researchers and professionals working to combat cybercrime.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Protection, International Schools, Law Enforcement, Schools

Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis For Professionals Investigating the Sexual Exploitation of Children


(NCMEC & OJJDP) This publication hopes to address and improve this situation for the benefit of the victims, investigators, and prosecutors. While society has become increasingly more aware of the problem of the acquaintance molester and related problems such as child pornography, the voice calling the public to focus only on “stranger danger” and many child-abuse professionals to focus only on intrafamilial sexual abuse still persists. Sexual-exploitation cases involving acquaintance molesters present many investigative challenges, but they also present the opportunity to obtain a great deal of corroborative evidence, get solid convictions, and prevent continued victimization.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, International Schools

Adapting a Systems Approach to Child Protection


(UNICEF) This Working Paper provides an examination of key concepts and considerations of a systems approach, as opposed to an issues focus in child protection internationally. It assesses child protection and related systems at the regional, national, and international level; and defines key concepts and commonalities internationally.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime, ICMEC Publications

Joint Report on Online Child Protection: Combatting Child Pornography on the Internet


(ICMEC, Children’s Charities’ Coalition on Internet Safety) This report describes the impact of the Internet on the production and distribution of child pornography. It presents a range of legal measures which Commonwealth Member States might consider adopting and sets them in the context of wider initiatives designed to make the Internet a safer place for children and young people the world over.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime

Trends in Migration, Hosting and Payment for Commercial Child Pornography Website


(U.S. FCACP) This paper, written by the U.S. Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography’s Technology Challenges Working Group, addresses current trends in migration, hosting and payment specific to commercial child pornography websites.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime

Internet Merchant Acquisition and Monitoring Best Practices for the Prevention and Detection of Commercial Child Pornography


(U.S. FCACP) This document contains a compilation of methods that some U.S. Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography members have used in their application and verification process, and thereafter, to detect child pornographers and prevent them from establishing or maintaining merchant accounts.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Trafficking

Comprehensive Legal Approaches to Combating Trafficking in Persons: An International and Comparative Perspective


(The Protection Project) This booklet explains these five basic elements as based upon the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime as well as the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. The United States Trafficking Victims Protection Act is included to provide a comparative model in combating trafficking in persons. Trafficking-related statutes under international law and domestic legislation are also considered.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Missing Children/Child Abduction, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America

U.S./European Summit on Missing & Exploited Children Report


(ICMEC) In October 2005, representatives from 20 countries, the United Nations, EU institutions, and the Council of Europe participated in the first‐ever U.S./European Summit on Missing and Exploited Children. This report is a summary of those proceedings.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography, Cybercrime

Child Pornography: Assessing the Global Agenda Forum


(ICMEC) The report includes findings from the April 2005 Lyon Forum, which explored the current state of and emerging trends in child pornography, assessed the progress made on the Dublin Plan, and adjusted its recommendations for future actions accordingly.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Pornography

Creating A Global Agenda to Combat Child Pornography


(ICMEC) This report is a synopsis of the results from our October 2002 forum in Dublin on child pornography, as well as a “Call to Action” (the Dublin Plan) to those who care about the world’s children and protecting them from victimization.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, International Schools, Schools

Victimization of Expat Students ISPCAN


(ISPCAN) Lois J. Engelbrecht with MSW Center for the Prevention & Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse, Philippines Protect & Save the Children, Malaysia Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Project, Hanoi - Report explores victimization experiences of expatriate students in international schools using the juvenile victimization questionnaire with American international school students and explores features of the expat student population that increases their vulnerability to abuse and exploitation.Read More

Child Abuse/Exploitation, Child Protection, International Schools, Allegations, Law Enforcement, Schools, United States of America

Witch Hunt, the Backlash, and Professionalism


(APSAC) The sexual victimization of children is a highly emotional issue. Publicity and controversy over complex topics such as repressed memory, satanic ritual abuse, and suggestibility of children have divided and polarized many child advocates, the media, and the American public. In addition to explaining the characteristics of 'backlash' and 'witch hunt' phenomenons, the author describes the key professional qualities needed when running an internal investigation into abuse allegations.Read More


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